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12th Dars: 9th chapter: (Whoever seeks Blessing through a tree, a Stone, or the like) 📗 Explaining (Kitab Attawheed)📗 By: Shaykh Ibn Othaimeen

📗 Explaining (Kitab Attawheed)📗

By: Shaykh Ibn Othaimeen

What are these Doroos about? 👇👇

A great book, authored by a great Imam in the 12th century, 

contains the clearest creed of Islam in simple way.

We will study it from the explanation of Shaykh Ibn Othaimeen rA. 

The 12th Dars: The ninth chapter of: [Kitab Attawheed].

Dated 13th of Jumada Thani 1446H👇👇 

In this Dars will discuss: 👇👇

1- About this chapter.
2- Definition of Barakah.
3- Examples of false ones.
4- Great signs vs idols.
5- “Dhat Anwat” for barakah.
6- Chapter’s Important issues.


 (Whoever seeks Blessing through a tree,

a Stone, or the like).

Allah the Most Exalted said:

﴿ أَفَرَأَيْتُمُ اللَّاتَ وَالْعُزَّىٰ﴾ سورة النجم: 19]

Meaning: "Have you then considered AI-Lat and Al-'Uzza (the two idols of the pagan Arabs)." And Manat (another idol of the pagan Arabs), the other third? (53:19,20)

At- Tirmidhi reported and declared as Sahih (sound), that Abu Waqid Al-Laithi (May Allah be pleased with him) said:

We went out with Allah's Messenger (May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) on

the campaign to Hunain while we had just left disbelief (Kufr) for Islam. The Mushrikin had a

Sidra (lote-tree) that they would stay there and hang their arms on, called Dhat Anwat. When we

passed a Sidra, we asked, "0 Messenger of Allah, won't you make for us another Dhat Anwat just

like their Dhat Anwat?" Allah's Messenger (May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him)

said, "Allahu Akbar (Allah is the Most Great)! By the One (Allah) Who holds my soul in His

Hand, verily these are the ways of earlier nations, you have said exactly as Bani Israel said to

Musa (May Allah be pleased with him): 'Make for us a god just as their gods.' "He said: " 'Verily

you are a people who know not.' (7:138) Certainly you will follow the ways of those who went

before you."

Important issues of the Chapter

1) Explanation of the verse (Surah An-Najm 53:19,20).

2) The nature of the matter requested by the companions (May Allah be pleased with him)

(regarding a tree similar to Dhat-Anwat).

3) In fact they (Companions (May Allah be pleased with him)) did not act upon it.

4) Their intention was to become closer to Allah by their act as they thought He would like it.

5) If the Companions (May Allah be pleased with him) were unaware of the nature of their

intended act, it stands to reason that other than they (of much lesser status) are more likely to

fall into ignorance.

6) For the Companions (May Allah be pleased with him) is the reward of good deeds and the

promise of forgiveness that is not for others.

7) The Prophet (May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) did not excuse them but

denied by saying: "Allahu Akbar, these are ways and you would follow those who came

before you"- thereby expressing the weightiness of the matter by these three things.

8) This is a major issue which is intended, that the Prophet (May the peace and blessing of Allah

be upon him) informed them that their request was like that of Banu Israel when they asked

Musa (May Allah be pleased with him) "Make for us a god."

9) The negation of this act is of the meanings of "There is no true God except Allah", which being

subtle and hidden, was not perceived by them.

10) Swearing made by the Prophet (May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) upon the

ruling and he did not swear except for a beneficial purpose.

11) Shirk is of two types, i.e. major and minor because the Companions were not turned apostates

due to their request.

12) Their submission that "we had just left disbelief," tells us that other Companions (May Allah

be pleased with him) were not unaware of the matter.

13) The saying of Allahu Akbar to express surprise. It contradicts those who consider it

undesirable (Makruh).

14) To put an end to all possible ways leading to Shirk (polytheism).

15) Prohibition of any resemblance with the people of ignorance (disbelievers).

16) A teacher can become unhappy over his students (for the sake of any goodness) while


17) The general tendency of mankind has been expressed by the Prophet (May the peace and

blessing of Allah be upon him) by saying: "These are the ways".

18) It is one of the signs of the Prophethood that the events occurred accordingly as he informed.

19) In every place where Allah has censured the Jews and Christians in the Qur'an, He has also

warned us against those deeds.

20) The Companions (May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) knew this principle that

worships were based on direct commandment. It therefore, becomes a reminder concerning

questions pertinent to the grave. The question (to be asked of the dead) "Who is your Lord"?

is clear. The second question "Who is your Prophet?" depends on the information of the

Prophet (May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) regarding unseen. But the third

question "Which is your religion" is related to their (the Jews) request (from Musa (May

Allah be pleased with him)). "Make for us a god".

21) That the ways of the People of the Book are condemned as those of polytheists.

22) The one who has moved from falsehood (i.e. became Muslim) and get accustomed to certain

beliefs or habits is not totally safe from having remnants of these habits as is evidenced in

their (the Companions) words "and we had just left disbelief (Kufr)."

Video link for 12th Dars:👇👇

Slides for 12th Dars: 9th chapter:👇👇

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