بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In this topic, I will list all level 4 materials, handouts, videos, etc.
This level:
Classes recordings in videos:
Class 01- The two MAJOR types of it. The 1st (Permissible). Class recording (Here). Video slides (Here).
Video parts: 👇🏼👇🏼
0511: The flow chart of Tawassul, definition.
05:31 The two MAJOR types of it. The 1st (Permissible).
06:15 The types of permissible one.
07:11 The class of 2nd type of permissible one.
18:00 the 2nd MAJOR type Impermissible one.
19:55 Q & As.
Class 02- Classes of the 2nd type of permissible one .. Class recording (Here)
Video parts:👇🏼👇🏼
04:27 Tawassul Major types.
06:15 Types of permissible Tawassul.
07:54 Classes of the 2nd type of permissible one.
Class 03- Impermissible Tawassul. Class recording (Here)
Video parts:👇🏼👇🏼
08:37 Doubts and fake evidences.
16:00 Types of approaches to Allah Taala.
* - * - *
Class04 - Magic.. Class recording (Here). Video slides (Here).
so we need to know enough knowledge about it.
For two reasons:
1. To be saved from falling in it.
2. To warren Muslims from it.
Video parts: 👇👇
02:48 Types of magic.
10:10 Why is magic included in polytheism?
16:35 Judgement of magician and predictors.
Video link:👇👇
Class05 - Divination and Barakah.. Class recording (Here).
Divination is another devilish and dangerous act.
What are the types of Ghaib (Unseen world)?
How can devil Jinn steel knowledge and pass it to a magician or predictor?
Barakah or blessing is it allowed to ask for it from persons or things?
Video parts:👇👇
00:00 definition of Divination.
02:34 How does a magician or predictor know the Ghaib (The unseen)?
04:31 Types of Ghaib.
12:57 Judgment of those who go to a magician or predictor.
16:50 Asking blessings (Barakah) definition.
26:08 Why asking Barakah from others is not allowed?
27:57 Barakah of Rasool Allah (saw).
Class06 - Judgment def - importance..
Class recording (here). Video slides (Here).
Judging by Shariah (Islamic legislation) is not an optional matter.
Video parts:👇👇
00:00 Definition.
02:05 Who is required to go for Shariah?
Connection between judgment and Iman.
05:22 The three parties we must obey.
09:00 Restriction in obeying other than Allah and His messenger.
11:22 Faith of ones who do not resort to shariah is denied.
28:26 Taking others than Allah as lords and gods by applying their rules.
Class07 - Judgment types .. Class recording (Here). Video slides (Here).
Judging by laws other than Shariah (Islamic legislation) varies.
Video parts:👇👇
00:00 The two types of judgment.
02:44 The Personal/partial (non repeated) one.
03:41 3 classes: major kufr, minor, forgiven.
18:38 The general/public rules.
Video link: 👇👇
Class08 - Al Walaa and Al Baraa .. Class recording (Here). Video slides (Here).
Iman necessitates Walaa for Momineen and Baraa from Kafreen.
Video parts:👇👇
00:00 Definitions.
03:33 Connection between Walaa and Bara and Iman.
19:15 Differences between Walaa and good treatment.
27:00 Types of love.
27:52 Whom to give what?
Video link: 👇👇
Class09 - Al Walaa and Al Baraa manifestations 1-4 ..
Class recording (Here). Video slides (Here).
Disbelievers manifestations are very dangerous acts.
Video parts:👇👇
00:00 Review of (Whom to give what) chart.
04:40 1st Disbelievers manifestations.
15:25 2nd.
32:30 3rd.
34:33 4th.
Video link: 👇👇
Class10 - Al Walaa and Al Baraa manifestations 5-10 ..
Class recording (Here). Video slides (Here).
Disbelievers manifestations are very dangerous acts.
Video parts:👇👇
01:15 5th .
05:03 6th.
09:01 7th.
10:40 8th.
18:40 9th.
21:37 10th
Video link: 👇👇
Class11 - Mocking of the Deen (Religion) matters. .. Class recording (Here). Video slides (Here).
Respecting the Deen of Islam is a must.
And making fun of any of its matters will exclude the Muslim of Islam.
Video parts:👇👇
02:30 - The story of the Ayah.
06:28 - Examples of matters that maybe mocked at.
07:15 - differentiating between mocking of Deen and mocking of a person.
12:44 - How to deal with mockers of Deen.
Video link: 👇👇
Class12 - Misleading denominations (Sufism). ..
Class recording (Here). Video slides (Here).
In Islamic history, lots of misled groups occurred, Why?
What are the evidences?
What are some of these misled groups?
Video parts:👇👇
04:25 - Nations splitting to sects.
07:25 - Sufism: Definition.
08:39 - Levels of Sufism Novelties.
11:31 - Sufism directions (Trends).
19:15 - Sufis beliefs: AA. In Godhood.
24:03 - Sufis beliefs: BB. In Prophethood.
28:02 - Reasons for Sufis stray.
Video link: 👇👇
Class13 - Misleading denominations Qadianiah ..
Class recording (Here). Video slides (Here).
Another misleading group in Muslims life.
When, where, how, why it is created? this video explains it all.
Video parts:👇👇
04:20 Founder (Mirza Ghulam).
05:22 Creeds: About Almighty Allah.
08:42 Creeds: About the agent.
09:28 Creeds: About general matters.
11:57 Legislative decision of Qadianiah.
Video link: 👇👇
Class14 - Misleading denominations (Shia). ..
Class recording (Here). Video slides (Here).
When did Shi'ism start?
What are their doctrines?
How many sects are they?
Who is Ibn Sabaa?
Video parts:👇👇
02:33 - Three sects of Shia
08:28 - Who is Ibn Sabaa?
12:25 - Names of some splitted groups.
21:50 - Some of their doctrines.
25:50 - Unerring Imams claimed by Shia.
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