بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
This level:
Classes recordings in videos:
Class01 - Shahadatain 1 ..(Video here). Video Slides (Here).
Video parts: 👇🏼👇🏼
00:00 Introduction to the course.
04:00 Hadeeth of Jibrael (ﷺ).
13:55 The life itinerary of Rasool Allah (ﷺ).
22:33 La Ilaha Illa Allah in Quraan.
24:32 La Ilaha Illa Allah in Sunnah.
25:44 Pillars of La Ilaha Illa Allah.
30:44 The true meaning of La Ilaha Illa Allah.
32:26 Some wrong meanings of La Ilaha Illa Allah, and why they are wrong.
Class02 - Shahadatain 2 - Conditions-A ..(Video here).
Video parts: 👇🏼👇🏼
02:19 - (LACK STLD) what does it stand for?
03:20 - 1st condition: Knowing the meaning.
06:15 - The wisdom behind 10 year for La Ilaha Illa Allah only.
11:44 - Sahabah carried the mission and died away from Madinah.
Class03 - Shahadatain 3 - Conditions-B .. (Video here).
Video parts: 👇🏼👇🏼
02:08 - 3rd: Accepting.
07:50 - 4th: Submission.
09:50 - 5th: The Truth.
11:48 - 6th: Loyalty.
13:55 - 7th: Loving this word.
20:14 - 8th: Disbelieve in Tawagheet.
Relevant topic:
🔹 Love in Islam (click here)
Class04 - Mohammad Rasool Allah p1. Class recording ( here).
2nd part of (Shahadatain) is to testify the Mahammad ﷺ is the messenger of Allah.
To whom he was sent?
Why is he the best among all messengers ﷺ?
Video parts: 👇👇
01:22 - Three important things to believe about him ﷺ.
05:20 - Our duties towards him ﷺ. And (BAR DAP).
Class05 - Mohammad Rasool Allah p2 . Class recording (here).
He is ﷺ the last messenger to Humans an Jinn.
There are duties on us towards him ﷺ,
Here we complete talking about them.
What is the rewards of sending Salam and blessings on him ﷺ.
1 from us = 10 for us!! .. how?
Video parts: 👇👇
03:55 - The 5th duty: avoiding to cause harm to him ﷺ, How?
07:22 - The 6th duty: reciting Salat and Salam on him ﷺ.
12:33 - How to do that.
15:35 - Q & A.
Class06 - Tawheed def .. (Video here). Video Slides (Here).
Video contents: 👇👇
Video link: 👇👇
Class07 - Tawheed types (Lordship).. (Video here). Video Slides (Here).
Tawheed first.
Because that is the way of Allah's messengers (ﷺ).
Video parts:👇👇
00:00 - Flow chart of Tawheed.04:30 - 1st type of Tawheed: lordship (Rubobyyah).
10:44 - Proofs of it.
19:52 - Polytheists admitted it.
25:22 - Important remark.
Video link: 👇👇
Class08 - Tawheed types (Worship).. (Video here). Video Slides (Here).
Tawheed is classified into 3 types.
Worship type is the most important one of them, why?
Video parts:👇👇
04:53 - It is what all messengers sent with.
08:55 - How Lordship type necessitates the worship one.
16:00 - What is worshipping.
21:07 - Types of worship (Ibadah).
Video link: 👇👇
Class09 - The start of Shirk (Polytheism).. (Video here). Video Slides (Here).
When and how did Shirk (Polytheism) start?
What is the main reason of Shirk (Polytheism)?
Video parts:👇👇
00:00 - How Shirk started.
01:11 - The story of the 5 pious men.
11:46 - The main reason of shirk.
Video link: 👇👇
Class10 - The 3rd type of Tawheed... (Video here). Video Slides (Here).
The Names and qualities of Allah are confirmed in Noble Quraan and Saheeh Sunnah ..
Knowing why to learn them and their rules will lead us to the path of Rasool Allah (ﷺ) and his Sahabah (RA).
Video parts:👇👇
00:00 - Why to study Names and Attributes of Allah Taala.
03:39 - The rules of them.
Video link: 👇👇
Class11 - The nullifiers of Islam 1- 3 (Video here). Video Slides (Here).
How Islam may be nullified or voided ..
Video parts:👇👇
00:00 - What is the meaning of nullifiers?
05:50 - Reasons for studying nullifiers.
06:36 - Not to judge Muslims.
07:40 - Major 10 nullifiers.
08:57 - 1st nullifier.
21:40 - 2nd.
29:52 - 3rd.
Video link: 👇👇
Class12 - The nullifiers of Islam 4-6... (Video here). Video Slides (Here).
More nullifiers of Islam.
Video parts:👇👇
00:00 - 4th nullifier.
07:45 - 5th nullifier.
11:44 - 6th nullifier.
Video link: 👇👇
https://youtu.be/iPt8uWzd_H8Class13 - The nullifiers of Islam 7- 10.. (Video here). Video Slides (Here).
More nullifiers of Islam.
Video parts:👇👇
00:00 - 7th nullifier.
12:08 - 8th nullifier.
21:48 - 9th nullifier.
25:00 - 10th nullifier.
Video link: 👇👇
Class14 - The nullifiers barriers 1-2.. (Video here). Video Slides (Here).
Committing a nullifier of Islam does not exclude a Muslim from Islam at once, due to evidences that there are barriers to judge a Muslim as a Kafer.
Video parts:👇👇
00:00 -1st barrier: Ignorance.
12:08 - 2nd barrier: mistaken.
Video link: 👇👇
Class15 - The nullifiers barriers 3-4.. (Video here). Video Slides (Here).
Committing a nullifier of Islam does not exclude a Muslim from Islam at once, due to evidences that there are barriers to judge a Muslim as a Kafer.
Video parts:👇👇
00:00 - 3rd barrier: misunderstanding evidences (Ta'aweel).
11:14 - 4th barrier: compulsion (forced).
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