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 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    In this topic, I will list all level 2  materials, handouts, videos, slides, etc.

This level:

-  Material in pdf: (click here).
Blog short link:

YouTube playlist:

Classes recordings in videos:

 Class01 - Iman - Definition .. (Video here). Video Slides (Here).

Video parts:  👇🏼👇🏼

00:00 - Introduction, and Hadeeth of Jibrael (ﷺ).

03:20 - The 3 ranks of Deen (Islam, Iman, and Ehsan).

07:35 - Definition of Iman (Faith).

16:44 - Increasing of Iman.

21:33 - Decreasing of Iman.

24:25 - Pillars of Iman.

31:27 - Reading of course material.

Class02 - Iman - To believe In Allah. .(Video here).

Video parts:  👇🏼👇🏼

00:00 - 1st Pillar. 4 subjects.

03:55 - 1st subject: Existence, why to talk about it?.

05:00 - How to prove it: 1. By Fitrah.

09:05 - 2. By human mind.

12:16 - 3. By Shareeah, Divine laws and universal signs.

22:44 - 4. By common sense, responses and prophet's signs.


Class03 - Iman - Subjects of believing In Allah. .. (Video here).

Video parts:  👇🏼👇🏼

00:00 - His lordship, How?

02:08 - His worship. How?

03:33 - Names and qualities.

08:48 - Benefits of believing in Allah Taala.


Class04 - Iman - 2nd Pillar (Angels).. 

Class recording (here).  Video Slides (Here).

Believing in The Angels is the 2nd Pillar of Iman


What are their names, descriptions?

How many are they?

What are their duties.

Video parts:👇👇

00:00 - Definition.

07:33 - Angels are another sign towards ALLAH Taala.

14:44 - Aspects in believing in them.


Class 05 - Iman - 2nd Pillar (Jinn). Class recording (Here),  Video Slides (Here).

Jinn are another creation of Almighty Allah, and the have some connections and treatments with Humans.
How to deal with them?
How to be saved from their assaults?

Watch this video. 👇👇

Video parts: 👇👇

00:00 - Jinn connections to Angles.
04:23 - Their creation from what? and when?
05:44 - Their duties in life.
09:18 - Humans assault Jinn.
22:11 - Jinn assault Human.
31:34 - Epilepsy types.

Video link: 👇👇


Class06 - Iman - 3rd Pillar (Noble Books).

 (Video here).  Video Slides (Here).

Almighty Allah descended some Noble Books from Him to His messengers to guide humans to the right path.

Video parts:👇👇

00:00 - Major points about this Pillar.
07:11 - The 4 aspects of this Pillar.
19:33 - The benefits of this Pillar.

Video link: 👇👇


Class07 - Iman - 4th Pillar (Messengers) - 1.

 (Video here).  Video Slides (Here).

Almighty Allah had chosen some humans to be His messengers to guide humans to the right path.

Video parts:👇👇

00:00 - What does it mean to believe in this Pillar.

02:11 - A flow chart for this Pillar.

06:35 - Some important points about this Pillar.

Video link: 👇👇

Class08 - Iman - 4th Pillar (Messengers) - 2.

 (Video here).  Video Slides (Here).

Believing in the messengers of Allah Taala have to have some conditions, but also it contains a lot of benefits.

Video parts:👇👇

00:00 - The 4 aspects of this pillar.
14:28 - The benefits of this pillar.
 21:47 - Why not Angels messengers?

Video link: 👇👇


Class09 - Iman - 5th Pillar (Last day).

 (Video here).  Video Slides (Here).

The 5th Pillar of Iman is to belief in every thing will happen after death.

Video parts:👇👇

00:00 - The meaning of this Pillar.
05:11 - Why it is called (Last day)?
19:25 - The 3 aspects of Last day.
19:33 - 1st Resurrection.
25:22 - 2nd Account and Repay.

Video link: 👇👇

Class10 - Iman - 5th Pillar (Last day) 2..

 (Video here).  Video Slides (Here).

The 5th Pillar of Iman is to belief in every thing will happen after death.

Video parts:👇👇

00:00 - The 3rd aspect of this Pillar - Paradise.
10:36 - Q& A
21:25 - Hell fire.

Video link: 👇👇

Class11 - Iman - 5th Pillar (Last day) - benefits and proves..

 (Video here).  Video Slides (Here).

What we can benefit from believing in Last day.

and what are the proves of resurrection.

Video parts:👇👇

00:00 - Desire to obey.

03:00 - Refrain from disobeying.

03:57 - No sad feelings for worldly shortage.

08:18 - Denying resurrection, and proves of it. 1 Legislation.

11:02 - 2nd prove: Common sense.

19:44 - 3rd prove: Reason (Human mind).

Video link: 👇👇

Class12 - Iman - 5th Pillar (Last day) -  What after death..

 (Video here).  Video Slides (Here).

When a person dies, what will happen to him?

After he is buried, what questions he will be asked?

Video parts:👇👇

00:00 -  3rd prove: Reason (Human mind). .

06:11 - What after death: Fitnah (Trial) of graves. 

12:57 - The grave torture and ease.

Video link: 👇👇

See also:👇👇

What will happen to us at:  Time of DEATH onward? (Here).


Class13 - Iman - 6th Pillar (Qadar) - part1 ..

 (Video here).  Video Slides (Here).

Class topics:👇👇

AlQadar (Destiny) is one of the most important cases in Islamic history.

Misunderstanding it led some groups to go stray.

How to understand it?

How to believe in it?

Video parts:👇👇

00:00 - Introduction and definition.

03:44 - The knowledge of Allah Talaa.

07:59 - The four steps or aspects of Qadar.

Video link: 👇👇


Class14 - Iman - 6th Pillar (Qadar) 2- Excuses. ..

 (Video here).  Video Slides (Here).

Class topics:👇👇

Does Al Qadar contradict with human beings will?
Can we take Al Qadar as a valid excuse for our wrong acts?

Video parts:👇👇

00:00 - Qadar and the human beings will.

12:01 - Taking Qadar as an excuse of doing bad things.

Video link: 👇👇


Class15 - Iman - 6th Pillar (Qadar) 3-Groups ..

 (Video here).  Video Slides (Here).

Class topics:👇👇

Qadar benefits the Mu'min in so many things.
Two major Groups gone astray in Qadar.

Video parts:👇👇

00:00  -  The benefits of believing in Qadar.
14:33  -  Groups misguided in Qadar:
24:28  -  replying Jabriyah
25:45  -  replying Qadariyah

Video link: 👇👇
