بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In this topic, I will list all level 3 materials, handouts, videos, etc.
This level:
Classes recordings in videos:
Class01 - Shirk Dangerousness .. (Video here). Video Slides (Here)
Video parts: 👇🏼👇🏼
00:00 - Introduction.
04:25 - Shirk flow chart.
08:00 - Definition of Shirk and in what side of Tawheed could it happen.
14:28 - Why is it the greatest sin? 7 reasons.
Class02 - Shirk Types and Amulets. .. (Video here). Video Slides (Here)
Video parts: 👇🏼👇🏼
02:22 - 1st type, and results of it.
05:25 - 2nd type, and it is of two classes.
09:05 - 1st class of minor shirk: Apparent. - By words
15:20 - By deeds, Amulets.
16:00 - Amulets flow chart.
20:22 - Detailing the case of Amulets. If they are from Quraan and Sunnah.
24:09 - If they are Icons, rings, etc.
27:00 - Q & A. Hanging Ayat or Ahadeeth.
Class03 - Shirk Types and Show off.. .. Class recording (Here).
Video parts: 👇🏼👇🏼
00:00 - 2nd class of minor shirk: Non-apparent shirk.
01:40 - Dissimulation (show off) flow chart.
07:45 - What is: WTT and TTW?
16:11 - Differences between the two types of Shirk.
21:40 - The 3 warnings.
Class 04 - The 3 warnings... .. Class recording (Here).
Video parts: 👇🏼👇🏼
02:33 - 1st: Exaggeration.
12:05 - 2nd: Constructing buildings on them.
14:51 - 3rd: Praying at graveyard.
22:30 - Types of Visiting graves.
24:30 - The story of his grave.
27:46 - Why not to change this mistake now?
Class 05 - Kufr definition and types..
Class recording (Here). Video Slides (Here)
Kufr (disbelieve) is: creeds, statements or actions that contradict Iman.
How did Ulamaa dived it to two types?
What kind of kufr did Iblis commit?
Video parts: 👇👇
00:00 - Definition and flow chart.
03:43 - Types of Kufr. What are the evidences?
05:24 - Major one, of 6 classes.
19:44 - Minor one, its Definition and examples.
* - * - *
Nefaq (Hypocrisy) is a very dangerous disease.
What is it?
How to be saved from it?
What are its types?
Video contents: 👇👇
00:00 - Definition. And two acts.
03:39 - Types of hypocrisy 1- doctrinal.
13:35 - Kinds of doctrinal hypocrisy.
Video link: 👇👇
Class07 - Hypocrisy Types (Practical).
Class recording (Here). Video Slides (Here)
Hypocrisy is a dangerous disease.
Some of it could be committed by a Muslim, and that is called: practical hypocrisy.
Video parts:👇👇
00:00 - The 2nd type of hypocrisy .
01:44 - Differences between practical Kufr and practical hypocrisy.
04:11 - 5 Acts of practical hypocrisy.
20:44 - Main differences between the two types of hypocrisy.
Video link: 👇👇
Class08 - Bed'ah (Novelty).
Class recording (Here). Video Slides (Here)
What is Bed'ah (Novelty)?
What is it's classes?
Is every Bed'ah forbidden?
What are it's rules?
Video parts:👇👇
00:00 - Introduction.
00:55 - Flow chart of it.
05:28 - Definition of Bed'ah and it's classes.
06:01 - Bed'ah RULES.
13:14 - Types of Bed'ah in Deen (DSN & WN).
18:14 - The 4 classes of (WN).
Video link: 👇👇
Class09 - Bed'ah (Novelty) decisions. (Video here). Video Slides (Here)
Is all Bed'ahs (Novelties) Kufr?
Or what is the judgment of it?
Video parts:👇👇
00:00 - Every beda'h is misguidance.
01:33 - 4 levels of decisions of Beda'h.
02:25 - 1st level is (Major Kufr).
05:50 - 2nd level is (a means of polytheism).
06:33 - 3rd level is (Fisq).
08:55 - 4the level is (a sin).
11:55 - Why Bed'ah is very dangerous?
Video link: 👇👇
Class10 - Bed'ah (Novelty) Samples.. (Video here). Video Slides (Here)
How to decide if something is Bedaah or not?
Samples of Bedaah nowadays.
Video parts:👇👇
00:00 - How to distinguish a Bedaah.
03:35 - Samples of novelties. Novelties nowadays are a lot.
06:00 - Reasons of that.
12:44 - Reasons of prohibition of Prophet birthday.
13:03 - The start of it.
18:22 - Why is it Bedaah?
20:05 - Was he born in 12 Rabee1?
Video link: 👇👇
See also:
IN SHORT 7 - (MIlad) or Birthday of Rasool Allah (SAW).
Class11 - Bed'ah (Novelty) Samples in worshipping...
(Video here). Video Slides (Here)Bedaah nowadays is widespread among Muslims. Here are examples of some of Bedaa in Ibadah.
Video parts:👇👇
00:00 - How much these Bedaahs are spread.
09:45 - Pronouncing intention for Salah.
Video link: 👇👇
Class12 - Bed'ah (Novelty) Samples in worshipping2..
(Video here). Video Slides (Here)Bedaah nowadays is widespread among Muslims. Here are more examples of some of Bedaa in Ibadah.
Video parts:👇👇
00:00 - Samples of Bedaa in Ibadah.
09:45 - Reciting Al-Fatihah in some occasions.
16:00 - Celebrating Israa, Hijrah, .. etc.
Video link: 👇👇
Class13 - Bed'ah (Novelty) Samples in worshipping3...
(Video here). Video Slides (Here)Some more examples of of Bedaas in Ibadah.
Video parts:👇👇
00:00 - Umrah Rajabiyah.
03:22 - Sufis invocations.
06:00 - 15th of Shaaban.
08:50 - Constructing buildings over graves.
12:30 - Bedaah is the message of Kufr.
Video link: 👇👇
Class14 - Bed'ah (Novelty) review..
(Video here). Video Slides (Here)Due to the high danger of Bed'ah (Novelty), we needed to review it again.
Video parts:👇👇
00:00 - Definition of Bed'ah (Novelty).
00:54 - Flow chart of it.
جزاك الله خيرا
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Jazakumullahu Khaira
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