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8th Dars: 5th chapter: (The call to Shahadah) πŸ“— Explaining (Kitab Attawheed)πŸ“— By: Shaykh Ibn Othaimeen

πŸ“— Explaining (Kitab Attawheed)πŸ“—

By: Shaykh Ibn Othaimeen
(5th chapter): (The Call to testify that there is nothing deserving of Worship in truth except Allah)

What are these Doroos about? πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

A great book, authored by a great Imam in the 12th century, 

contains the clearest creed of Islam in simple way.

We will study it from the explanation of Shaykh Ibn Othaimeen rA. 

The 8th Dars: The fifth chapter of: [Kitab Attawheed].

Dated 15th of Jumada Awwal 1446HπŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ 

In this Dars will discuss: πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

1-  About this chapter.
2-  The way of Rasool Allah (ο·Ί).
3-  Moaath (rAa) to Yemen.
4-  Ali (rAa) to call for what? 
5- Chapter’s Important issues.


 (The Call to testify that there is nothing deserving of Worship in truth except Allah)

Allah the Most Exalted said:

﴿Ω‚ُΩ„ْ Ω‡َٰΨ°ِΩ‡ِ Ψ³َΨ¨ِΩŠΩ„ِي Ψ£َΨ―ْΨΉُو Ψ₯ِΩ„َΩ‰ Ψ§Ω„Ω„َّΩ‡ِ ۚ ΨΉَΩ„َΩ‰ٰ Ψ¨َΨ΅ِيرَΨ©ٍ Ψ£َΩ†َΨ§ وَΩ…َΩ†ِ Ψ§ΨͺَّΨ¨َΨΉَΩ†ِي ۖ وَΨ³ُΨ¨ْΨ­َΨ§Ω†َ Ψ§Ω„Ω„َّΩ‡ِ وَΩ…َΨ§ Ψ£َΩ†َΨ§ Ω…ِΩ†َ Ψ§Ω„ْΩ…ُΨ΄ْΨ±ِΩƒِΩŠΩ†َ﴾. يوسف 108

Meaning: "Say you (O Muhammad (May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) : 'This is my way; I invite unto Allah (i.e. to the Oneness of Allah –Islamic Monotheism) (with sure knowledge), I and whosoever follows me (also must invite others to Allah i.e. to the Oneness of Allah -Islamic Monotheism) with sure knowledge. And Glorified and Exalted is Allah (above all that they associate as partners with Him), and I am not of the polytheists.' " (12: 108)

Ibn Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him) narrated:

When Allah's Messenger (May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) sent Mu'adh (May Allah be pleased with him) to Yemen, he said, "You will come upon the People of the Book, let your first act be to call them to testify that -There is nothing worthy of worship in truth but Allah."

And in another version of this tradition (it is said):

"To single out Allah Alone in the worship, i.e. actualize the Oneness (Tauhid) of Allah-if they obey you in this, inform them that Allah has prescribed for them to offer 5 prayers (Salat) every day and night. If they obey you in this, then inform them that Allah has imposed upon them the duty of Sadaqah (Zakat) to be levied from their rich and distributed to the poor, If they obey you in this, then be careful not to take the best of their properties (as payment of Zakat), and safeguard yourself against the supplication of those who have suffered injustice because there is no veil between his supplication and Allah," [Al-Bukhari, Hadith No. 1389/1425 and Muslim]

Both collectors have also reported that Sahl bin Sa'd (May Allah be pleased with him) said: 

On the day of Khaibar, Allah's Messenger (May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) asserted, "Tomorrow I shall indeed give the flag to a person who loves Allah and His Messenger and is loved by Allah and His Messenger. Allah will grant victory under his leadership." The people spent the night absorbed in discussing as to whom might the flag be given! In the morning they came eagerly to Allah's Messenger (May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) each of them hoping to be given the flag. Allah's Messenger (May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) asked, "Where is Ali bin Abi Talib?" They replied, "He is suffering from an eye ailment." He was sent for and brought. Allah's Messenger (May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) then spat in his eyes and prayed for him, where upon he was cured as if he had no previous pains. Allah's Messenger (May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) then gave him the flag and said, "Advance with ease and gentleness until you arrive in their midst, then call them to Islam and inform them of their duties to Allah in Islam. By Allah, if He may guide through you a single man to Islam then it is better for you than the red camels."

Important issues of the Chapter

1) It is the way of the followers of Prophet Muhammad (May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) to call people to Islam.

2) Stress upon sincerity of intention, for many who supposedly call to the truth merely call to themselves.

3) Calling people to Allah with sure knowledge is obligatory.

4) Of the signs of the beauty of Tauhid is its being free of any blasphemy towards Allah.

5) The ugliness of Shirk is that it vilifies Allah.

6) Of the most important issues of the chapter is that a Muslim must and should remain aloof from polytheists in order to not become like them even if he does not himself commit Shirk.

7) Having Tauhid (and calling towards it) is the foremost obligation.

8) We must first begin with Tauhid before everything, even Salat.

9) The meaning of singling out Allah Alone in worship and being sincere in His Oneness is the meaning of the Shahadah "La ilaha illa-Allah ".

10) Among the people of the Scriptures are some who either have no knowledge of Tauhid, or if they do, they don't follow it accordingly.

11) Stress on teaching step by step.

12) The most important issues must be explained first.

13) How to spend Zakat (obligatory charity).

14) The scholar (learned) must try to clear away misunderstandings of the learner.

15) The best properties of people must not be taken for Zakat (obligatory charity).

16) Beware of the supplication of the oppressed.

17) We are informed that there is no barrier to the supplication of the oppressed one (to be accepted).

18) The afflictions, hardship, hunger and epidemics suffered by the head of all the Prophets and the best of those close to Allah (May Allah be pleased with him) are nothing but exact evidences of Tauhid.

19) The Prophet's assertion: "I shall indeed give the flag ..." is a sign from among the signs of Prophethood.

20) Applying spit to the eyes of Ali (May Allah be pleased with him) and the subsequent cure he received, is another sign of the Prophethood.

21) The superiority of Ali (May Allah be pleased with him)

22) The merits and virtues of the Companions (May Allah be pleased with him) that they kept speculating among themselves throughout the night (as to whom the flag might be handed over to) and their preoccupation with it over the news of lasting victory.

23) An illustration of the faith in Qadar -how the predetermined occurs to those who do not seek it and denial to those who wished it all along the night.

24) The manner of the Prophet's advice to Ali (May Allah be pleased with him) "Go to the people with ease and gentleness."

25) Calling to Islam before waging war.

26) Legitimacy of fighting with those who were previously called to Islam but rejected it.

27) Preaching Islam with wisdom as evidenced in his (May Allah be pleased with him) words: "Inform them of the obligations upon them".

28) Recognizing the duty to Allah in Islam.

29) The reward of a person by whose hand a single man is guided.

30) To swear in support of a juristic verdict.

Video link for 8th Dars:πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Slides for 8th Dars: 3rd chapter:πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

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