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IN SHORT: 🔊 28 - The Noble Quraan, chapters, verses, etc. 🔊

🔊28 - The Noble Quraan, 🔊

chapters, verses, etc. 

Matters discussed in this episode: ðŸ‘‡ðŸ‘‡

  • What is Quraan?
  • How many chapters? Verses? Letters in Noble Quran?
  • How Noble Quraan was descended.
  • Where was Noble Quraan descended?
  • First and last of Noble Quraan descended?
  • Reasons of  descending some of its verses and chapters?
  • Gathering of Noble Quraan ..
Kindly watch below video: ðŸ‘‡ðŸ‘‡

Parts of the episode:👇👇

00:00 - Introduction.
00:29 - Matters discussed in this episode
01:00 - What is Quraan.
01:57 - How many chapters in Quraan ..
02:11 - How many verses in Quraan ..
02:40 - How many letters in Quraan ..
03:32 - How Noble Quraan was descended.
05:16 - Where was Noble Quraan descended?
05:54 - First and last of Noble Quraan descended?
07:07 - Reasons of  descending some of its verses and chapters?
08:10 - Gathering of Noble Quraan ..
14:16 - Conclusion and Duaa.

Video link: ðŸ‘‡ðŸ‘‡

More explanations in following link:👇👇

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