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Self purification - 9 - 🀲 HF - Duaa (supplication) 🀲

 Self purification - 8 - 
🀲 HF - Duaa (supplication) 🀲

Matters discussed in this topic: πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Another food for our hearts ..

Allah  Taala orders us to make Duaa and promises to respond ..

Allah will be angry .. why?

Who is the only one can remove distress?

Is Duaa counted as a Ibadah?

What are the three answers we will get for our Duaa?

Although we don't know how, but for sure He will come down to first Heaven for us.

what is the "Etiquette of Duaa".

What is the correct way to make Duaa.

Kindly watch below video: πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Video parts:πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

00:00  -  Introduction.

00:30  -  Allah Taala is ordering us to make Duaa.

01:52  -  Allah will be angry of those who do not ask Him.

02:34  -  Who will answer distressed ones?.

03:50  -  Duaa is the Ibadah.

04:11  -  Duaa - definitely - will be responded, but when?

05:03  -  One of three answers will come.

06:30  -  Allah Taala will come down to firs heaven, when? and why?

07:41  -  Etiquette of Duaa.

08:48  -  The correct way to make Duaa.

Video link: πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Complete audio Doros at: πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡


Series quick link:πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡
