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IN SHORT: 🔊 22 - Qadyaniyah or Ahmadiyah, What is it? why created? 🔊

🔊 Qadyaniyah or Ahmadiyah, ðŸ”Š

What is it? why created?

Matters discussed in this topic: ðŸ‘‡ðŸ‘‡

What is Qadyaniyah or Ahmadiyah?
What was the hidden agenda?
What about the agent?
What are their doctrines?
What is their Legislative decision?

Kindly watch below video: ðŸ‘‡ðŸ‘‡

Parts of the topic:👇👇

00:00 - Introduction.
00:55 - Points discussed In this topic. 
01:46 - Idefinition, and the plan.
03:09 - The agent ..
03:51 - Some of their doctrines: (1) About Almighty Allah ...
04:34 - (2) About Ghulam Mirza ..
05:06 - (3) About general matters ..
05:57 - Legislative decision of Qadyaniyah, decided by who? 
06:58 - Conclusion and Duaa.

Video link: ðŸ‘‡ðŸ‘‡

More explanations in following link:
