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21st Dars: 17th chapter: (The Intercession-B: Types) 📗 Explaining (Kitab Attawheed)📗 By: Shaykh Ibn Othaimeen

📗 Explaining (Kitab Attawheed)📗

By: Shaykh Ibn Othaimeen

What are these Doroos about? 👇👇

A great book, authored by a great Imam in the 12th century, 

contains the clearest creed of Islam in simple way.

We will study it from the explanation of Shaykh Ibn Othaimeen rA. 

The 21st Dars: The 17 chapter of: [Kitab Attawheed].

Dated 24th of Shaban 1446H👇👇 

In this Dars will discuss: 👇👇

1-  About this chapter.
2-  What is intercession?.
3-  Types of intercession.


 (The Intercession - B: Types).

Types of intercession (shafaa’ah)


Intercession means: 

   Mediating for someone else to gain some benefit or ward off some harm. 


It is of two types: 

The first type: intercession that will take place in the Hereafter, on the Day of Resurrection. 


The second type: intercession concerning matters of this world. 


(A) With regard to the intercession that will take place in the Hereafter, it is of two types: 


The first type: Exclusive intercession, which will be granted only to the Messenger (r), and no one else in creation will have a share in that with him. 

This is of various kinds: 

1)     The greater intercession. This is the station of praise and glory (al-maqaam al-mahmood) which Allah has promised to him.

2)     Intercession for the people of Paradise to enter Paradise. 

3)     The intercession of the Messenger (r) for his uncle Abu Talib. 

4)     His intercession so that some people of his ummah will enter Paradise without being brought to account.

 (يا محمد، ارفع رأسك، سَلْ تُعْطَه، اشْفَعْ تُشفَّعْ، فَأَقُولُ: يا رَبِّ أُمتي أُمتي، يا رَبِّ أُمتي أُمتي، يا رَبِّ أُمتي أُمتي، فيُقَالَ: أَدْخِلْ من أمتك من لا حساب عليه من الباب الأيمن من أبواب الجنة، وهم شركاء النَّاس فيما سواه من الأبواب)

The second type: General intercession. This will be granted to the Messenger (r) and others – angels, Prophets and righteous people – will share in it as Allah wills. 

This is of various kinds: 

1 – Intercession for some people who have entered Hell, that they might be brought forth from it.

2 – Intercession for people who deserve Hell, that they may not enter it.

3 – Intercession for some of the believers who deserve Paradise, that they may be raised in status in Paradise.

Conditions of this intercession: 

The evidences indicates that intercession in the Hereafter will only happen if the following conditions are met: 

1)  Allah must approve of the one for whom intercession is made.

2)  Allah must give permission to the intercessor to intercede.

3)  Allah must approve of the intercessor.


(B) The second type of intercession is that which has to do with matters of this world. 

This is of two types: 

1️⃣ – That which is within a person’s ability to do something. 

This is permissible, subject to two conditions:  

1)   That it should have to do with a permissible thing.

2)   In his heart, the person must depend on Allah alone to realize his aim and ward off what is disliked.

If either of these two conditions is not met, then the intercession is not allowed.  

2️⃣ – That which is not within a person’s ability to do something, such as seeking intercession from the dead and occupants of graves, or from a living person who is absent, believing that he is able to hear and meet one’s need.

More details at: (


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