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Iman fruits - What are they and how to gain them.

Iman's fruits - What are they and how to gain them.

Iman is a great gift from Allah Taala ..

Every Mo'men would love to gain true and strong Iman ..

But How?

And what are theses fruits?

Fruits of Iman:

✅ Calmness.

 Allah Taala will be with Mo'mens.

 To win the pleasure of Allah and paradise.

 Allah will defend the Mo'men.

 To be a leader in Deen.

 To gain the love from Allah Taala.

 And much more ..

Fruits of The Iman pillars:

1️⃣ Fruits of The Belief in Allâh:

First: the fulfillment of the Oneness of Allâh in a matter that no one else is called for help, and no one else is feared or hoped for.

Second: the perfection of His love and His glorification on the basis of His Best Names and Supreme Qualities.
Third: the fulfillment of His worship by doing what He decreed and avoid what He banned.
Fourth: achieving happiness in this life and in hereafter.

2️⃣ Fruits of The Belief in Angels:

First: to be acquainted about the Greatness of Allâh and His Strength and Authority, this is because the greatness of the creature receals clearly the Greatness of the Creator.
Second: performing thanks to Allâh who cares for people to an extent that He assigned to all of these Angels the mission of preserving them and writing down their deeds and so many other beneficial missions.
Third: loving those Angels for the worship they perform to Allâh.

3️⃣ Fruits of The Belief in Noble Books:

First: to know how Allâh cares for His slaves, for He has descended to every people a Book to guide them.
Second: to know the Wisdom of Allâh in His legislation, for he decreed for every people what is suitable for them, He said, “لكل جعلنا منكم شرعة ومنهاجا” - meaning – {To each among you have We prescribed a Law and an Open Way}.
Third: to perform all praise and thanks to Allâh for this.

4️⃣ Fruits of 
The Belief in Messengers:

First: to know how Merciful Allâh is with His slaves and how He cares for them. This is because He sent to them these Messengers in order to guide them ahead to the Way of Allâh and show them clearly how to worship their Lord because the human mind is incapable to know that.
Second: to perform all thanks and praise to Allâh for this great grace.
Third: to love all Allâh’s Messengers and glorify and praise as it is suitable for them. This is because they are the Messengers of Allâh, who did what they had to do concerning worshipping and proclaimed the Word of Allâh to His slaves.

5️⃣ Fruits of 
The Belief in the Last day:

First: prompting the desire to obey and the care for them looking forward to being rewarded on that Day.

Second: prompting the awe from disobeying or accepting disobeying fearing the punishment of that Day.

Third: the consolation of the believer in what he does not get in this world in return of what he hopes to get in the Thereafter.

6️⃣ Fruits of The Belief in Destiny (Qadar):

First: putting trust in Allâh while taking all means into consideration; this is done in a way that one must not depend on the tangible reason by itself because everything is submitted to the Preordainment of Allâh.
Second: not to be pleased with himself after he gets what he wanted because what he got is a gift from his Lord Who predestined this grace for him, and being pleased with himself will certainly make him forget to thank His Lord for this gift.
Third: calmness and comfort state of mind for what is takes place among the predestined
incidents of that Allâh chose to occur. 

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